About me!
I m Spanish translator based in Dublin. I have a long experience in medical and legal interpreting. I worked in Hospitals, refugee centres as French and Arabic translator. I provide translation services from Spanish, French and Arabic into English. I have a Master’s Degree in translation and interpreting from the University of Granada Spain. I worked as Spanish translator in Hospitals and social services. I performed as French translator for refugee centres.
I m a member of Proz community, which is a website service where you can find useful information about translators, interpreters and other experts in linguistics, If you need a Spanish translator or interpreter.
As a Spanish translator I can translate family certificates, recording legal events such as: Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce (Decree Nisi and Decree absolute), adoption, prenuptial agreement. Another range of documents that I usually translate includes: criminal record (Garda vetting) , tax return certificate, Brochure, medical report, medical certificate, articles of association, company annual report, passport, bank statement, driving license, degree and diploma, academic transcript, general power of attorney, enduring power of attorney, deed of conveyance, advance healthcare directive (Living will), last will and testament.
I have more than 15 years experience in translation and interpreting for medical, legal and financial institutions.
My name is Sidi and my phone number is 0876747954 (+353876747954 from abroad). you can find more information in my contact page.
Perfil profesional
Traductor e intérprete autónomo.
Soy traductor e intérprete de español, árabe y francés con sede en Dublin, Irlanda. Tengo una larga experiencia en traducción médica y legal. He prestado mis servicios en hospitales, centros de refugiados, tribunales, magistraturas de trabajo, comisarías de policía, aeropuertos, Bancos, empresas de seguros y organismos de asistencia social.
Tengo un Máster en traducción e interpretación (Universidad de Granada, España), y mis servicios incluyen traducción de documentos y servicios de interpretación consecutiva y simultánea.
Traducción de certificados de: nacimiento, matrimonio, divorcio, defunción, adopción declaración de la renta, certificado de antecedentes penales, folletos, informe médico, certificado médico, estatutos sociales, informe anual de la empresa, pasaporte, certificado del estado de cuenta bancaria, Permiso de conducir, título y diploma, expediente académico de calificaciones, poder notarial, certificado de voluntades anticipadas, testamento.
Mi nombre es Sidi y mi teléfono de contacto es 0876747954 ( +353876747954 si llama fuera de Irlanda). mi correo electrónico es [email protected]